Exodus 2 Verse 23 - The Holy Bible : English

Here is what the Bible says on Exodus 2, Verse 23:

English: Exodus 2:23

"It happened in the course of those many days, that the king of Egypt died, and the children of Israel sighed because of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up to God because of the bondage."


In Spanish (En Español): éxodo 2:23

" Y aconteció que después de muchos días murió el rey de Egipto, y los hijos de Israel suspiraron á causa de la servidumbre, y clamaron: y subió á Dios el clamor de ellos con motivo de su servidumbre. "


In Portuguese (Em Português): Êxodo 2:23

"Muito tempo depois, morreu o rei do Egito. Os israelitas gemiam e clamavam debaixo da escravidão; e o seu clamor subiu até Deus."


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