Nehemiah 4 Verse 1 - The Holy Bible : English

Here is what the Bible says on Nehemiah 4, Verse 1:

English: Nehemiah 4:1

"But it happened that when Sanballat heard that we were building the wall, he was angry, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews."


In Spanish (En Español): Nehemias 4:1

" Y FUÉ que como oyó Sanballat que nosotros edificábamos el muro, encolerizóse y enojóse en gran manera, é hizo escarnio de los Judíos. "


In Portuguese (Em Português): Neemias 4:1

"Quando Sambalate soube que estávamos reconstruindo o muro, ficou furioso. Ridicularizou os judeus"


Nehemiah 4   |   Verse 2 >>


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