I understand it now, thank you very much. I have to tell you...

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Reply to Msg 78

I understand it now, thank you very much.

I have to tell you also that there are many people out there who does not understand it like you do because every time I hear this verse mentioned, even in books, it is related to money, poverty, and the wealth of nations.

Bible Reader, September 19 2009, 5:35 PM

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Topic: Can sombody explain this verse to me? Mark 4 :25

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I read your comment and you didn't explain it to me. I am comparing that verse to comments like "the rich gets richer... read more >
Bible Reader, 19-Sep-09 4:01 pm
Bible Reader, the verse does not mean money or such things. It is talking only about God's Word. Start at the first of... read more >
Jack, 19-Sep-09 5:28 pm
I understand it now, thank you very much. I have to tell you also that there are many people out there who does not... read more >
Bible Reader, 19-Sep-09 5:35 pm


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