Song of Songs 8 Verse 2 - The Holy Bible : English

Here is what the Bible says on Song of Songs 8, Verse 2:

English: Song of Songs 8:2

"I would lead you, bringing you into my mother`s house, Who would instruct me. I would have you drink spiced wine, Of the juice of my pomegranate."


In Spanish (En Español): Canción de canciones 8:2

" Yo te llevaría, te metiera en casa de mi madre: Tú me enseñarías, Y yo te hiciera beber vino Adobado del mosto de mis granadas. "


In Portuguese (Em Português): Canção das Canções 8:2

"Eu o conduziria e o traria à casa de minha mãe, e você me ensinaria. Eu lhe daria vinho aromatizado para beber, o néctar das minhas romãs."


Song of Songs 8   |   Verse 3 >>


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