Ezequiel 10 Verso 7 - La Biblia en Español

Esto es lo que dice la Biblia en Ezequiel 10, Verso 7:

Espanol: Ezequiel 10:7

" Y un querubín extendió su mano de entre los querubines al fuego que estaba entre los querubines, y tomó, y puso en las palmas del que estaba vestido de lienzos, el cual lo tomó y salióse. "


En Portugues (Português): Ezequiel 10:7

"Então um dos querubins estendeu a mão no fogo que estava no meio deles. Apanhou algumas brasas e as colocou nas mãos do homem vestido de linho, que as recebeu e saiu."


En Ingles (English): Ezekiel 10:7

"The cherub stretched forth his hand from between the cherubim to the fire that was between the cherubim, and took [of it], and put it into the hands of him who was clothed in linen, who took it and went out."


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