Isaiah 45 Verse 2 - The Holy Bible : English

Here is what the Bible says on Isaiah 45, Verse 2:

English: Isaiah 45:2

"I will go before you, and make the rough places smooth; I will break in pieces the doors of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron;"


In Spanish (En Español): Isaias 45:2

" Yo iré delante de ti, y enderezaré las tortuosidades; quebrantaré puertas de bronce, y cerrojos de hierro haré pedazos; "


In Portuguese (Em Português): Isaías 45:2

"Eu irei adiante de você e aplainarei montes; derrubarei portas de bronze e romperei trancas de ferro."


Isaiah 45   |   Verse 3 >>


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