1 Samuel 9 Verse 26 - The Holy Bible : English

Here is what the Bible says on 1 Samuel 9, Verse 26:

English: 1 Samuel 9:26

"They arose early: and it happened about the spring of the day, that Samuel called to Saul on the housetop, saying, Up, that I may send you away. Saul arose, and they went out both of them, he and Samuel, abroad."


In Spanish (En Español): 1 Samuel 9:26

" Y al otro día madrugaron: y como al apuntar del alba, Samuel llamó á Saúl, que estaba en el terrado; y dijo: Levántate, para que te despache. Levantóse luego Saúl, y salieron fuera ambos, él y Samuel. "


In Portuguese (Em Português): 1 Samuel 9:26

"Ao romper do dia, quando se levantaram, Samuel chamou Saul no terraço e disse: "Levante-se, e eu o acompanharei, e depois você seguirá viagem". Saul se levantou e saiu junto com Samuel."


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