Lucas 19 Verso 15 - La Biblia en Español

Esto es lo que dice la Biblia en Lucas 19, Verso 15:

Espanol: Lucas 19:15

" Y aconteció, que vuelto Él, habiendo tomado el reino, mandó llamar á sí á aquellos siervos á los cuales había dado el dinero, para saber lo que había negociado cada uno. "


En Portugues (Português): Lucas 19:15

""Contudo, foi feito rei e voltou. Então mandou chamar os servos a quem dera o dinheiro, a fim de saber quanto tinham lucrado."


En Ingles (English): Luke 19:15

"It happened, when he had come back again, having received the kingdom, that he commanded these servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know what they had gained by conducting business."


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