Luke 7 Verse 37 - The Holy Bible : English

Here is what the Bible says on Luke 7, Verse 37:

English: Luke 7:37

"Behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that he was reclining in the Pharisee`s house, she brought an alabaster jar of ointment."


In Spanish (En Español): Lucas 7:37

" Y he aquí una mujer que había sido pecadora en la ciudad, como entendió que estaba á la mesa en casa de aquel Fariseo, trajo un alabastro de ungüento, "


In Portuguese (Em Português): Lucas 7:37

"Ao saber que Jesus estava comendo na casa do fariseu, certa mulher daquela cidade, uma ‘pecadora’, trouxe um frasco de alabastro com perfume,"


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