Juan 18 Verso 18 - La Biblia en Español

Esto es lo que dice la Biblia en Juan 18, Verso 18:

Espanol: Juan 18:18

" Y estaban en pie los siervos y los ministros que habían allegado las ascuas; porque hacía frío, y calentábanse: y estaba también con ellos Pedro en pie, calentándose. "


En Portugues (Português): John 18:18

"Fazia frio; os servos e os guardas estavam ao redor de uma fogueira que haviam feito para se aquecerem. Pedro também estava em pé com eles, aquecendo-se."


En Ingles (English): John 18:18

"Now the servants and the officers were standing there, having made a fire of coals, for it was cold. They were warming themselves. Peter was with them, standing and warming himself."


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