Hechos 22 Verso 29 - La Biblia en Español

Esto es lo que dice la Biblia en Hechos 22, Verso 29:

Espanol: Hechos 22:29

" Así que, luego se apartaron de Él los que le habían de atormentar: y aun el tribuno también tuvo temor, entendido que era Romano, por haberle atado. "


En Portugues (Português): Atos 22:29

"Os que iam interrogá-lo retiraram-se imediatamente. O próprio comandante ficou alarmado, ao saber que havia prendido um cidadão romano."


En Ingles (English): Acts 22:29

"Immediately those who were about to examine him departed from him, and the commanding officer also was afraid when he realized that he was a Roman, because he had bound him."


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