2 Samuel 11 Verso 27 - La Biblia en Español

Esto es lo que dice la Biblia en 2 Samuel 11, Verso 27:

Espanol: 2 Samuel 11:27

" Y pasado el luto, envió David y recogióla á su casa: y fué ella su mujer, y parióle un hijo. Mas esto que David había hecho, fué desagradable á los ojos de Jehová. "


En Portugues (Português): 2 Samuel 11:27

"Passado o luto, Davi mandou que a trouxessem para o palácio; ela se tornou sua mulher e teve um filho dele. Mas o que Davi fez desagradou ao Senhor."


En Ingles (English): 2 Samuel 11:27

"When the mourning was past, David sent and took her home to his house, and she became his wife, and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased The LORD."


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